MOVE Process

You’ll hear a lot about the “MOVE” discipleship process at Grace Fellowship. It’s our goal to see our community continually moving in their journey towards being Christ-centered. As spiritual growth takes place, people move from one stage to the next.

Our mission is to glorify God by making more and better disciples. There is an unlimited number of ways that happens at Grace—some completely serendipitous, and some very intentional.

When we talk about our relationship to Christ, it helps to have some common language and a common concept of what we’re aiming for. Because of that, we’ve adopted what we call the MOVE Discipleship Process.

As you can see, it highlights 4 main categories of relationship. No matter which one of these categories is home to you right now, it’s our goal to make sure you have what you need to keep moving toward a Christ-centered life.

Exploring Christ

Those who are still exploring Christ find themselves on the spiritual perimeter and although they may be long-tenured church-goers, they are still undecided about the claims of Christianity. They attend church but they are not involved in the church, and their most common theological struggle is with the belief in Christ.

Beginning in Christ

Those who are beginning in Christ are on board with the core beliefs and are more comfortable with spiritual practices. Though they are poised for spiritual advances and impact, they are hesitant to take their faith outside the walls of the church.

Close to Christ

Those who are close to Christ are making their relationship with Jesus a part of their everyday life. They are connecting daily with God through personal spiritual practices. They are confident in God’s presence and power and beginning to show signs of spiritual transformation. This group is the backbone of the Church.


Those who are Christ-centered are head-over-heels in love with God and are Christ’s workforce. They tithe, serve, and evangelize more than anyone else. Though they are under-challenged by the Church, they are on the brink of spiritual greatness.

Through research and observation, we know that there are a number of catalytic activities that we can engage to help us move toward a Christ-centered life. These include joining a small group, serving in the community, and even deciding to make Jesus King of your life. As a matter of fact, we’ve dedicated an entire column in our website’s main navigation (above) to identifying some of those movements, and providing ways to take action on each one.