Through your generous giving in 2021, we were able to provide to so many in need and serve God faithfully as stewards of His financial resources. We are praying that 2022 is filled with much more of the same. Below you will find just some of the many ways your giving made an impact.
During our May 23, 2021 services, Grace Fellowship did something pretty radical; we gave away 150 Envelopes containing $200 each to congregants that were willing to participate in the Kingdom Assignment.
The goal was for people to show compassion to an individual, a couple, a family, or a business that was impacted in some way by COVID-19. Participating Congregants were given 5 weeks to invest this money for the Kingdom. As a result there were over 130 Kingdom Assignment Projects that occurred. Not only did participants of the Kingdom Assignment reinvest the $30,000 dollars given out back into our communities, but they added an additional $21,565 of their own dollars! Praise God!
“It amazes me how good God is and how much He loves us all. In just 3 days God allowed the funds to increase from $200 to $1,000.”
“Having our small group take on this project as a whole brought us all closer together and strengthened our bond. We also now have several ideas for how to serve in our community in the future.”
Global Missions
Because of your generous support over the past year or so, we have been able to do many wonderful things for the poor in India, as in the attached video. We have been able to provide a tuk-tuk to help support one of our Pastors and his family. We have been able to build a school with an attached boarding home that provides free Christian education, as well as room and board for Temple Prostitute children. (This is especially needful for young daughters of Temple Prostitutes, who are at risk of becoming Temple Prostitutes themselves without such opportunities as this.)
We have been able to drill fresh water wells in 24 dry villages for thirsty people. We have especially been able to feed many hungry families during the severe COVID-19 lockdown earlier this year, distributing approximately 1000 grocery kits to suffering Christians, including many Temple Prostitutes that we have ministered Christ to during our Temple Prostitute conferences over the past few years.