Ask for Prayer

We believe in the power of prayer.

When God’s children call on His name, there’s no limit to what He can do for us and through us.

Whether you’ve come to this page to pray or to ask for prayer, feel free to scroll through our prayer board and lift up a prayer for those among us in need.

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


I'm a pastor who feels like giving up on the pastoral ministry. A decision by the church board and the Bishop has marginalized the church that I lead with my wife. I no longer trust their decisions or future plans for us. Please pray for direction, the courage to do what I must and anything else you feel would help.

Received: January 4, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


Please pray God opens a door.

I need some Car repairs done so I can get to Church/Work

Its been 9mnths- I'm struggling. Thanks Brothers/Sisters

Received: January 4, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


I need a prayer request for Captain Larry. He told me through a text on December 24, 2023, that something was going to happen to me 10-fold, and he also got his friend Joann to take my position. I got terminated on September 21, 2023, and he also stated that I was the reason I got fired. That hurt me because I have been depressed since I lost my job. I need God to open a door for me to get a job. I had two interviews recently at the same company with a different faculty. My money is getting dry. I need a job asap. And also favor with the hiring manager, Ms. Taylor, for a job offer.

Received: January 4, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


Please pray for our marriage. Help my husband to forgive me. Help him to let go of these feelings and anger. Heal him LORD. Save our marriage. I have tried everything I know to do. This is out of my hands. I can't do anything. JESUS we need you to save us before its too late. He wants to be healed he wants to feel better but he just can't let go of the hurt and anger. Please save our family Jesus.

Received: January 4, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


I would like to ask for prayer for my health which is very bad. I am afraid of the worse

Received: January 4, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.

Zina E Hunter

I ask for prayer, for me as I begin a new journey in my life that GOD has planned for me, my job will be ending soon and I know that GOD is my provider and he'll see me through, I asked if GOD can forgive me of my sins and if I can have to continue blessing from him as I live through him. nothing but the blood of Jesus can heal me now. I want to walk on the path that he has planned for me in the name of Jesus please pray with me amen zh

I need the O' LORD

Received: January 4, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


I come to ask for prayer for Jaxon Draper he’s about 3, he has been battling RSV and the flu for 7 days with a lung condition prior to his illnesses. His his momma Alissa Draper is scared and worried about his condition. God almighty I come to you that you may place your healing hands upon Jaxon and miraculously heal him from all these illnesses. I pray that you give the medical staff at the hospital the knowledge they need to address his treatment accordingly. Please keep him in your prayers that his body is healed and restored to full health. In Jesus name

Received: January 4, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


Please pray for my relationship with my partner. We are both believers in God, but are struggles with some issues. Please pray for all of it to resolve, for us both to heal, and to continue to progress in our relationship as we have been. Thank you!

Received: January 4, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


The company I work for is going under, pray that I find a another job soon, and thet dads heat will be toched to help also, and that financial blessing will come soon. Also have a spot on my leg that will not go away. Please pray God heals the spot. And that he will bless and protect us our home and property

Received: January 4, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


I recently started a new job and it was brought to my attention that people around me are lying about me and trying to get me fired.

I really need a job. If this job is not the job for me I need a new job quickly.

I ask that I'll plans of the enemy be canceled, and that God's will be done in my life, and that I have the job that aligns with that plan.

If this job is not that, please Father God direct me to the job you want me to have.

I asked that you all pray and agreeance with me to bring me into alignment with God's plan for my life.

Thank you.

Received: January 4, 2024

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