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I prayed for this

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i want to pray for my ex’s other ex, as well. to my knowledge, she's been through a lot. i want to pray that someone perfect comes along for her as she is about four months pregnant right now. i hated her at first but there have been a few times recently where i've felt so bad for her that i have cried for her. so, i want to pray that someone comes along for her before she has her baby. someone who will love her no matter what, be there for her, help her and heal her wounds. please pray that god brings peace over me that lasts, pray that time starts going faster for me. please pray that i can get help and find new hobbies i like doing. please pray that god does a miracle in my ex's life, that he can get help and feel better. pray that god brings about some new realizations when the time is right. please pray that god helps him to miss me one day and helps him to realize that he needs to get help too. pray that he is willing to try out counseling. i think he could really use it but he is completely against it. this is all really hard for me. he used to be my next door neighbor so i saw him every day for two years. he moved out of his parents house within the last month but he still comes around. i like to see him from a distance but sometimes it makes me feel sick and i get a pit in my stomach. please pray for us, whenever you can. i really need the help. thank you.

Received: June 25, 2024

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