Ask for Prayer

We believe in the power of prayer.

When God’s children call on His name, there’s no limit to what He can do for us and through us.

Whether you’ve come to this page to pray or to ask for prayer, feel free to scroll through our prayer board and lift up a prayer for those among us in need.

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!


I am praying for the safety for my sister. She has been a victim of harassment and bullying because of lies made by a former friend of hers who has for years tarnished and slandered her name and reputation. She has even succeeded in getting my sister off of public assistance who needs it because of a car accident and unable to work. She has no other means of providing for herself financially and getting food. Every night, she has to deal with men who surround themselves outside of our apartment building gathered around calling her names and even illegally looked into our apartment to catch her engaging in sexual activities that she hasn't done. These men are believing in lies because her former friend and a man who lives in the same apartment building as us engages in Witchcraft.

He has been banging on the floor and making holes to illegally look into our apartment setting up cameras and invading our privacy. It has also causing my sister and I to have headaches.

These men outside who are harassing my sister both don't work and are working . They hang out in the bars every night; They act this way when I am not around and during the night. These men should be warned that they can be arrested for violating a person's privacy and everything is a joke to them. My Landlord refuses to do anything because he is getting money from those Drug Dealers and busybodies. My sister does pray that they get saved and don't want to get saved. They want to continue doing this to not just my sister, but women as well. These men need to understand that men like them will do this to the women in their lives whether if its their sister, cousin, aunt, mother, grandmother, niece, wife, or girlfriend should be a wake up call to them. I want God to intervene and teach them a lesson including my sister's former friend to stop with the lies and slander. No one should go through what my sister has endured.

Received: November 3, 2023


We come before you in the name of Jesus, lifting up My daughter, Nicole, to you. Lord, we ask that you would intervene in her job search and provide her with the employment opportunity that aligns with your perfect will for her life. You are the ultimate job recruiter, and we trust that you know the plans you have for Nicole, plans to prosper her and not to harm her, plans to give her hope and a future.

We pray, Lord, that you would send your angels to guide Nicole in the right direction, leading her to the job that you have prepared for her. May your divine favor rest upon her applications and interviews, causing doors to open and opportunities to arise. Fill her with confidence and grant her the wisdom and discernment she needs to make the right decisions.

Holy Spirit, we ask that you would go before Nicole, preparing the hearts and minds of those who will be considering her for employment. Give her the right words to say and the ability to showcase her skills and abilities in the best possible way. Help her to shine brightly and stand out among other candidates.

Lord, we also pray for Nicole's emotional well-being. We ask that you would comfort her in her moments of sadness and discouragement. Remind her of your faithfulness and the truth that you are always with her. Fill her heart with hope and peace, knowing that you are working behind the scenes on her behalf.

We thank you, Lord, for your love and care for Nicole. We trust in your perfect timing and provision. May she experience your goodness and faithfulness in her job search. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Received: November 3, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Please help my daughter to stop coughing and to sleep well at night. Please pray for our family that we make the right choice with travel or purchasing a property. And we are guided where we need to be. Thank you

Received: November 3, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Asking for Prayor for me, I do loss prevention at a reputable retail store, I did something I was not supposed to but with good intentions and not breaking any laws. I just ask for Prayor that I get to keep my job because it’s the only thing standing between me and the streets.. Please lord Jesus, I have 2 dogs to feed, rent and bills to pay and a possible promotion.. I know I’m just asking for me and my dogs but My dogs are all I have left after loosing my grandparents and father, this job has helped me heal in the last 2 years. Thank you all!

Received: November 3, 2023


I want Gmail to let me log into my email account! For Gmail not to reject sign in request from me. For Gmail to let me log into my account without any hassles.

Received: November 2, 2023


Please pray for the return of my pets. A vindictive woman stole them and is trying to extort money for their return. Please pray too for new safe accommodation away from this woman and her friends

Received: November 2, 2023


I need prayers for financial stability, and to make good decisions about my health and finances. Also, I need some way to fix the damages on my home and keep it in good repair.

Received: November 2, 2023


Please help me pray for my daughter, Brae to be released from the desires of the devil, wanting to smoke, and be around people who want to smoke. I pray that Caleb H., is removed from my daughter, Brae’s heart, and life because he is a bad influence on her, he’s manipulative, has a temper, using her financially, leading her down the wrong road, a road of destruction and shift her in the pathway of people who will have her best interest at heart. I pray Father God that you restore and heal the relationship between Derrick S and Brae. Bring the two of them closer than ever before, and restore the strong communication, love, and faith they had with each other. Bring both closer to you Jesus. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

Received: November 2, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Let the Devil and all my enemies (their children and children till 1000 generations) blocking my progress success be now (my footstool) working to pay for all they've stolen me(eachday 10 Billions) in order for Me to sky Rocket as God said it shall be well with me: I will eat the fruit of my doings let the armies of heaven go to make this effective IJMN (Proverbs6:31, Psalms103:20-21, 3John2, Isaiah61:3-4, Luke6:38, Psalms35:5-6, Exodus22:2-3,Nahum1:9)

Received: November 2, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

I ask prayers for Rachel, conversion of family, for finances and job. Be blessed abundantly !!

Received: November 2, 2023

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