Ask for Prayer

We believe in the power of prayer.

When God’s children call on His name, there’s no limit to what He can do for us and through us.

Whether you’ve come to this page to pray or to ask for prayer, feel free to scroll through our prayer board and lift up a prayer for those among us in need.

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.

Winnie Li

Please pray for the miraculous healing of my dad's breathing system, and his lungs and the restoration of health of his whole body.

Received: September 12, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Please agree with me in prayer God bless you Father God. I ask in the name and blood of our Lord and Your son Jesus Christ. Because in my own name I am not known and my own blood I am not worthy. For Your glory. For Your pleasure. For my ancestors honor. For my wife's ancestors sake. For everyone who cares about her For everyone who cares about me. For the encouragement of all who have prayed for us For my wife's sisters sake. For the angels to be encouraged. For the demons to be discouraged and in despair. For the believers faith to be strengthened. For the non believers to give them a reason to believe, and a witness against them if they do not. Forgive all the sins of my wife and the sins of myself. Bless us with Your salvation and favor give us grace and treat us mercifully. I thankyou for my marriage. I thankyou for the blessings You have put on it. I ask that it last now and forever. I thank you for my wife A, and I thank you how I was blessed with her. I pray to be more patient and trusting of her. I pray that A is never unfaithful to me not even close and that she is divinely protected from this sin. I pray for all of our days you increase our love for another and continue to bless us and make us happier and happier together. I also pray for complete and divine protection from the man who previously tried to ruin our marriage and complete and divine protection from any man that attempts to steal or woo my wife I pray they have no favor in my wife's heart at all and no favor in her eyes at all. I am in the middle of getting my doctorate degree I ask for God’s blessing to complete it as easy and quickly as possible if it is within His will. I also must admit that I need help getting a career employment. If God is willing I ask for good jobs with good pay so I may provide for myself and my wife. I also ask for a job that is consistent some day. I ask to always be blessed financially and to have a giving heart to help those when I can and should. I also pray once I have money to be wise with it but also to be able to enjoy it. I also have 15 unspoken requests God knows. I pray and ask and declare all of these things now and forever. I also ask that God protects the health of myself and my wife. That He protects us from all harm and disease, and that we never get cancer. And that we may live healthy long lives that are pleasing to Him and that we die of old age not by anything else and when we do all by His grace alone go to heaven. If it is possible and within God’s will I ask that my father my mother my brother my sister and brother in law are also saved and that they live long lives that are healthy and holy. And that they are protected from all harm as well and go to heaven by grace alone as well. Each blessing I ask for I pray relies on Your grace and mercy alone. So I never have a reason to boast but always a reason to thank You and praise You in the powerful name of Jesus Christ amen

Received: September 12, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


My daughter and her 3 kids are still living with us, almost 2 years now. She hasn’t done anything to help herself, doesn’t work and is very dysfunctional (doesn’t drive/clean her room/fill out paperwork), we have told her to move out but she won’t, it’s killing my husband and I, kids are 6, 4 and 2, badly behaved with no discipline. They spit at us, hit, etc we need help and prayers to get her out! Thanks

Received: September 12, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


I fell in love with someone his name is tyrus and I pray that he understands soon that I love and care about him and I will be there every step of the way he is struggling I am struggling im in the shelter he lives in his car im worried about him so if you could just pray for us I would gladly appreciate it thank you and have a blessed day!

Received: September 12, 2023

Frances andrson

prayers for a Blessing and fun this week at bingo with friends haven't been anywhere except work for so long and blessing in money coming in quick tonight and Wednesday this week to pay bills prayers for raise and more bonuses over all labor sold in shop for Juan and James sees all the work i but into my job they also hire me some good help we hit our 50000 plus a month goal and Tammi will stop disliking me for some reason prayers for all my family friends coworkers bosses and for enemies that i might have prayers for my and Tracy relationship its in Gods hands if becomes more in time prayers Toyota be fix correct i can work my weekend job again making extra income my eye sight improves so i can see driving better mainly at night Amen

Received: September 12, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Please pray for my dog Rocky. He is feeling ill with some gastrointestinal upset and bleeding. We are going to the vets later today, and I am praying for good news and prognosis. I feel helpless that there is nothing more I can do, so I humbly request that if you're able to, you will pray for Rocky's good health. This dog means the world to me. We are together all the time, and love each other unconditionally. I rescued him just before the pandemic, but it feels more like we rescued each other. I have vowed to give him the best life possible, and I act on that every single day. What I didn't know, is that he would change my life completely. I have no children, but I can only imagine the love people have for their children after this experience. I didn't know it was possible to love another living being this much. He is my heart and soul. I love him dearly. He is the purest soul, with a heart of gold. Everybody who meets him loves him, as he is simply the sweetest and most loving dog ever. He is so good and so well behaved, and he doesn't deserve to feel this way. I please request that you pray for my sweet Rocky, please pray for his health.

Received: September 12, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Andreas Klamm

Dear Brothers And Sisters! Please pray for me and for my wife Mrs Ina. We have married 6 months ago on March 3, 2023. Unexpected by surprise my wife told me on September 2, 2023 that she is not able to continue marriage and that she wants to get separated. Please pray that the marriage and relation and love of my wife Mrs. Ina. will be continued, restored and healed. I do love my wife Mrs. Ina. Thank you. Kind regards, Andreas Klamm (Germany, Europe)

Received: September 12, 2023


I would ask for prayers for me and me mother and father for financial blessings and wisdom on how to spend it thank you!

Received: September 12, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Arlene Barry

We have been neighbors for at least twenty years. The problem is that my husband Needed to repair the shed. our neighbor decided to have these large metal Poles installed so flowers will grow do she won't see our shed. These poles are near our property and now she won't remove them.

So we can't fix the shed. After i spoke to her she said why not just repair it from the inside. It needs to be raised up as its sinking to far in the ground. My husband has helped her numerous times for free to help things around the house after her husband left her. We used to spend holidays together and everything but now that's all ended. She claims she's a christian but her actions do not follow through. She allows drugs and alcohol constantly on her property. Not just a beer or two here but very strong drinks. We need prayer that she will change her heart and repent. And understand how badly we need to fix our shed. I also pray that we get the boundaries retested. And there won't be any problems in us doing us! Her name. Also prayer needed to help us remove the hurt we feel after this friendship died.

Received: September 12, 2023


Tonia deliverance from control, pride, carnality, worldliness, anger. If the Lord wants me to talk to her that He will put it together. God Bless and protect us all.

Received: September 12, 2023

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