Ask for Prayer

We believe in the power of prayer.

When God’s children call on His name, there’s no limit to what He can do for us and through us.

Whether you’ve come to this page to pray or to ask for prayer, feel free to scroll through our prayer board and lift up a prayer for those among us in need.

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This prayer has been answered!

Prayed for 4 times.


debts, business, work, school, family of me can be finished in 2023

Received: April 13, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.

Engraced Ogundairo

I need prayers that:

God will send me help and people that will guide me to truly seek His kingdom and not look sideways.

That he’ll provide a car(I’m believing God for a Nissan Altima) that I can own outright so I can stop renting from Avis.

For wisdom and fresh ideas that will propel my small business(Braids Of Honor Dallas TX) to heights unimaginable! For expansion

For clarity of purpose and what the next steps God is asking me to take are.

For me to get the job at Medical City Texas and wisdom to pick a shift that’ll give me the time to serve God and his people and not be burned out.

For God to reveal himself about John Oluwamuyiwa Odebode and what he intended for me to learn from that situation.

For fear, anxiety and worry about the future to disappear and never return.

For help to not overthink stuff like bills, shelter and money to save

To be grounded in God’s word and seek his face like never before.

That my son Oluwatise will get his Visa interview scheduled immediately and I’ll go pick him up from Lagos Nigeria this same year!

To have integrity and stay truthful and honest in every situation NO MATTER WHAT.

Received: April 12, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


Please pray that a friend stops doing cocaine sometimes. Please pray he gets closer to God, for God to show him signs to go on the right path, to become a better man with a better heart, remove negative influences in his life. And if we’re meant to be, for God to bring us together

Received: April 12, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


Hello I had an argument with a guy I like so I’d just like prayer for God to help him be forgiving with me, apologize genuinely for his wrongs, and be compassionate. For God to open his heart more so we can be at peace

Received: April 12, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


Thank you everyone for your prayers. I really love this community you are all amazing.

This may seem silly but our hearts are broken. My sons School finally got a good football coach. My son is trying to get recruited at various colleges and his football program at school is super bad. We Just found out today they fired the new coach for I don’t know what. Something silly. Now my sons team will not have a leader and his chances of getting recruiting & going to college will dwindle to nothing.

I know this sounds small but please please pray that our school gets a good coach that can help my son get into a good college Thru football. We really need the help. My son is been working so hard in school and this would be an awesome chance for him to go to college. I appreciate all the prayers. Prayer works

Received: April 12, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.

Lynda Pearl

please pray for me to have the strength and ability to hear what my adult daughter needs to say,Because of our estrangement, I haven't seen her or talked,She will only see me with a counselor,I am so scared of being thrown away,& told that I am dead to her,She is cold, & not responding,I'm scared this is going to be the end,to tell you the truth, , I don't have the emotional strength,to go through the same trauma,O have been already dealing with the 1st time time ,,I already have a plan to harm myself if she says I'm not her Mom anymore,I am being negative,that's been my experiences in my life,Please help me,Bless You

Received: April 12, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.


My husband got laid off work for a mistake many do and is overlooked. He’s been out a week, we have 2 babies. HR called him yesterday telling him they’d let him know if he would be returning or not at all. Please send some positive prayers our way, we’d appreciate them. Thank you.

Received: April 12, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.

Kenny LaMar

My ex-wife and I have been trying to reconcile for the last two years. Things started off good, but have declined in the last few months. She has a lot of people in her ear not wanting us back together. She is giving up. She isn't speaking to me now. It was my fault that our marriage ended. I ask God to restore everything that the enemy stole from us. Please pray for Autumn and Kenny. We need a miracle.

Received: April 12, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


Asking for protection from property manager and real estate agent, and provision and favor with new owner (that they be kind), or for new home.

Received: April 12, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


I am Jyoti,unmarried female,41 yrs from Nepal. In 2000,I got enrolled with hefty fees for dental college without my any interest because my father wanted me to.I couldnot concentrate,mug up chapters & pass my exams,I was forced to study,I studied for 2yrs & was dropped out as I failed in 2003.Since then I feel suicidal,depressed even simple things disturbs me. Since few years due to extreme stress,I am taking high blood pressure & high blood sugar medicines. My father beat me up when I failed & now with slippers & said me Randi meaning prostitute out of anger. He always had no control in his mouth & hands. I am virgin & listening words like Randi totally upsets me with his extreme anger. He always says I am a failure & Randi & better I die. I have low confidence & can’t confront him. His behaviour is extreme towards every family member. Nowadays,I have started speaking up. I had great fight with him lots of curses exchanged. In 2000, I had shared my Maa Mrs.S that I don’t want to study hard core subjects like dental but she wasn’t able to convey word to my father Mr. K who is extremely strict,fussy,verbally abusive,nags & beat us family members with anything he gets. We can’t leave him also. My Maa 61, has always got beaten from him & heard dirty words just out of no reason as he expected dowry from her family but didn’t get a penny. Maa is extremely submissive,silent women brought up in patriarchal mentality who can’t stand & speak for her. She can’t leave her husband my father as she has nothing of her own & her own family & siblings are extremely mean & selfish. My father is a tyrant to live with but loves & provides us in his own terms that everything he says & dictates is only right option for us. I know in my heart that I hate him in the name of GOD but I forgive & want to move away from him permanently. LORD in our Nepal & India society is extremely patriarchal & family is given great importance. I have to live with my parents & unmarried want to get married to a decent,virgin one woman man with conventional values like myself & would like to move out of this house with dignity. I am also looking for full scholarships with stipend abroad in English speaking nation for my second Master’s or PHD. LORD you know I have fasted,prayed & asked for your mercy since 13 or 14 years. LORD you have tested my patience I have waited & followed your commands & rules of my family never went off track or dated anybody & have kept myself virgin. Please help me explore the world with lot of protection,dignity & honour by getting full scholarship & by marrying a chaste,virgin,wealthy, conventional, one women man with sound education, who loves & accepts me as I am. I feel a need to have healthy, prosperous life of my own with my soul partner & give birth to babies. I forgive my parents & wish them happiness,good luck,good health, full freedom from my responsibilities in their life. May both of them be content & travel around the world be with their other children,my sister & brother & live with peaceful environment. Please grant my plea which I wish & need since I was 20 yrs. I have suppressed my wishes & don’t want to be unconventional & walk in wrong path because of my desires. LORD please help me, grant my positive wishes,answer me with heavenly blessings by the end of this year 2023 & soon as possible. Thank you.

Received: April 12, 2023

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