Ask for Prayer
We believe in the power of prayer.
When God’s children call on His name, there’s no limit to what He can do for us and through us.
Whether you’ve come to this page to pray or to ask for prayer, feel free to scroll through our prayer board and lift up a prayer for those among us in need.
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
God please provide peace abd protection for me and my family. I am requesting divine protection.
Received: August 13, 2023
Please pray that the Lord may heal my mother of dementia. Please also pray for peace and unity between my brother and I. My brother wants POA over my mother and is using me living in another state against me. He is obsessed with having control over her and shoots down any ideas and ways that I try to help and be involved. He is full of rage hurling insults and foul language to me and it’s been getting worse. He is not being transparent with what is going on with my mother on purpose, and his gf is helping him. Please please pray for me and this difficult situation.
Received: August 13, 2023
I want prayer now. There are a lot of uncertain things in my life . I don't know what the future holds. I've lived in sin and shame . I've failed. I've been in my own world the last 20 something years . I'm withdrawn and reclusive. I have failed to be a responsible adult. I can't take care of myself. I've disappointed my parents. I haven't been completely honest with them . I have not lived a god pleasing life. I'm selfish , naive, and ignorant. I don't have anything going well for me.i honestly won't make it another 5 years if God doesn't intervene!
Received: August 13, 2023
Pray for emotional healing and for my friend K and I to be kind to each other and to let God lead the way and the trajectory of our relationship. Let us be spirit led in all our ways.
Received: August 13, 2023
I need prayers. I am suffering from postpartum depression and anxiety. The anxiety has completely taken over and I’m having panic attacks for no reason at all. The anxiety is manifesting itself in so many different physical symptoms. I’m barely functioning. I’m doing all I can to survive.
Received: August 13, 2023
I’m asking you to please pray for my boyfriend. He is stuck in some legal trouble and we are currently separated and not in contact. I love him so much and miss him. Please, God, guide him home safely.
Received: August 13, 2023
Terrible lower back pain and pinched nerve.
My sister is bullying me and putting in music and Tv so loud all day.
I’m very depressed. My sister is persecuting me day and night and I can’t relax or do my work. She is costing me thousands and my health and my hair.
Received: August 13, 2023
This prayer has been answered!
I know that my prayer is going to sound really ridiculous and childish, but i am really scared and on the verge of breaking down.
Dear God,
Please protect me. I am really in need of your protection in this time. I am really scared that there may be bed bugs in my bed. Never in my life till now, have i encountered any bed bugs. But when i stayed in that hotel for 2 nights, i met with those bugs. It troubled me by a lot. So much that i cried over it. It gave me such terrible mental anguish. When i returned back home, i did not touch my home bed until i have showered and worn clothes from my cupboard, not the suitcase. I did not bring the suitcase anywhere near my bedroom. The clothes in my suitcase have been washed and ironed. And some left to be washed has never made its way near my bed or the bedroom.
It has been 10 days since i have returned back home. And about 3 days back..i noticed red bite marks on my hips. It was only one. I immediately felt scared thinking it might be bed bug bites but i did not give much heed to the thought because honestly i was really scared thinking that the bed bugs might have made a way to my bed somehow. I pushed the thought back because i was really scared. And also..i did everything to not bring bed bugs in my home from the hotel.
But today morning,i noticed a line of red bite marks(about 3) on my right forearm. While showering, i pushed behind my fear and googled bed bug bite marks and it said that their bite marks mostly occurs in clusters or in a line. I felt even more scared than before and devastation filled my head and heart.
I dont know exactly if these are the bites i fear. But i am really scared. More than scared and filled with disgust, fear and devastation.
So, God, please I pray wholeheartedly to be protected from any bed bugs. Please God, please protect me by blessing me that no bed bugs ever made its way back to my home. God, I have so much more going on in my life and if there are bed bugs in my bed, that will be the heaviest stone dropped in my life in this situation.
So, please God, please protect me from bed bugs. Please never ever make any bed bugs make their way in my home, and if possible, please make bed bugs extinct so that no house in this planet ever faces the trauma of their bed being invaded by these bugs.
I pray that you answer my prayer God. Please bless me. I am really in need of your help.
Received: August 13, 2023
Please restore my family’s wealth. We lost it all.
I don’t have any friends or family.
My sister, dad, mum and I, myself and Th and S, are all very depressed.
We need help with our careers please.
I have no hope.
My sister has a bad chest cough and the flu. She’s really sick and grumpy. She has type 2 diabetes on top and bad eyesight and hair loss. She screams all the time and can’t stand my voice or existence. Please heal her.
My mum is the same. We are all very fat, scared and depressed.
I feel really scared and alone. I need protection and covering. I don’t have a job and I need to pray for all of my money to come back please.
I’m depressed over a guy who blocked me. I repent for what I did or said to make him go away.
I was poisoned in Greece and the lady and her son got away with it. Please pray “that what is hidden be revealed” that the Police can catch them and it never happens again.
I’m so lonely. I have no friends.
I have interstitial cystitis. It won’t go away. I’ve had it my whole life from childhood sexual abuse and trauma.
My mum is a witch. I feel depressed.
I want to be an actress.
I feel so sick all the time though. Now I have a gut infection, tinea, candida and thrush, urinary tract infection and depression.
My family all hate me and I can’t get up and exercise or apply for jobs or get motivated. They cut me out of everything.