Ask for Prayer

We believe in the power of prayer.

When God’s children call on His name, there’s no limit to what He can do for us and through us.

Whether you’ve come to this page to pray or to ask for prayer, feel free to scroll through our prayer board and lift up a prayer for those among us in need.

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.

Phil Chavez

Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. Please Pray GOD Blesses me financially so I can pay all bills and not have to worry about paying future bills. ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon.,I've been praying for this since 1995...In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen

Received: August 29, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


Please pray for Gene's salvation and deliverance from pornography

Received: August 29, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


Please pray for my friend's father, Jack. He has been like a dad to me and my friend is like a sister. He is currently battling pneumonia and is on a ventilator. I am asking for prayers for healing for him and strength for their family. I love them all so much.

Received: August 29, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Stacey Dahl

Hello there, I am a single mother to three beautiful children the Lord has blessed me and there father with. He divorced me three years ago due to some very unsafe and unpredictable circumstances surrounding his substance abuse and mental health issues. I am declaring healing of his mind, deliverance from any substance that holds him hostage to the strongholds against his spirit. I declare and decree Eric is a child of the most high God. I speak the blood of Jesus over all Eric's sin's, transgressions and iniquities. I am believing and would like prayer for our family's restoration. This would be a miracle seeming what the natural looks like is quite the opposite. He has been dating for 2 years and they live together. I however, was given a vision by the Lord day 1 that there would be some kind of restoration and miraculous healing and deliverance by what I felt in my spirit with Eric grabbing my hand in freedom from all the strongholds he fights on a daily basis. Please come in agreement with me believing and receiving this over my family. Thank you

Received: August 29, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


my name joseph ng that my mother fong shun kum 91 years ago. at ruttonjee hospital in Hong Kong China. My mother already 12 days at hospital. sore size 2.3 cm x 1.2 cm at liver through basic x rays check at 19 Aug. Pray for disappear that sore. Pray for restore liver and TOTAL HEAL. At 30 Aug. PET-CT scan. Dearest brother and sister. Let God gives you more grace and blessings. My mother always help me that i preach gospel of Jesus worldwide. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

Received: August 29, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.

Dominique J Gonzalez Ushery

Please pray for the sLvation, guidance and deliverance for my children and grandchildren. One daughter has 8 kids by 6 different dads, and the other is in a homosexual relationship with a woman twice her age. Also pray for the will and plan for my adult grandchildren lives one dropped out of school and none of them will work.

Received: August 28, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Beth A Rogers

We are praising God that Nikki's baby delivery was successful and Mom and baby are doing well!

Received: August 28, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


My unborn baby has hydronephrosis.

Another issue I'm concerned about my pregnancy

My relationship with My mom and dad.

Also I have a lawsuit for my son special education

My lawsuit is about him going to a private school l

Received: August 28, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Beth A Rogers

Please pray Nikki's baby be successfully delivered with no harm to the baby. She is having a c section right now because the baby is too big and there is an issue with the cord!

Received: August 28, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

freddie frances anderson

need prayers quick that work comes into shop ProDrive #4 that work be done quick and correctly no issues that customers leave happy an tell others about us and great service performed , that owner Juan and James make a great profit to pay bills an employees and shop stays open that i get a financial gain this week i will have money too pay bills rent and buy food. car get repaired and painted soon so i can work my second job with uber eats thank Amen

Received: August 28, 2023

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