Ask for Prayer
We believe in the power of prayer.
When God’s children call on His name, there’s no limit to what He can do for us and through us.
Whether you’ve come to this page to pray or to ask for prayer, feel free to scroll through our prayer board and lift up a prayer for those among us in need.
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Please pray for Montgomery. He has relapsed on Meth and is refusing to get help. He knows the Lord. Please pray that God will bring him to the end of himself and that Montgomery will see he needs to take responsibility for himself. Please pray for protection for him, deliverance and that he won’t die of an overdose.
Received: February 16, 2023
Ruth Ormsby
Please lift Angelina up in prayer. She has just been diagnosed with breast cancer and is uncertain of her treatment options at this time
Received: February 16, 2023
Please pray the boys on the football team don’t get in any fights at this tournament pray they find godly wife’s and the girls godly husbands and protect them dear lord amen
Received: February 16, 2023
Pray for my coworker Amanda. That the Lord will bring her to the end of herself and that he will work powerfully in her life in such a way that she can’t deny it’s him. That she will see that the love she so badly wants can only be found in Him. Please pray that the Lord will soften her heart and that she will be able to see His love for her.
Received: February 16, 2023
My cousins son has an aggressive form of brain cancer. I humbly ask for prayers for his complete healing and strength for the family.
Received: February 15, 2023
Shana Vanbouchaute
Hey, my name is Shana Vanbouchaute And I am 37 years old living in Butte And I am writing this basically as a prayer request. I am married and I have three children ages 16, 13 and 4. We do belong to a church here but I have yet had the courage to submit a prayer request or even tell anyone about I'm struggling with and I don't think it's something that most people would even expect. I am supposed to be baptized on March 12th. Which is wonderful. About a year and a half ago I started to really try to build relationship with God. I have prayed everyday. Attended church every week and try to read the Bible as much as possible. Even though I don't understand a whole lot of it I always try to Google things to understand it correctly…. But I struggle with addiction and I promise I tried my hardest to overcome it and prayed about it countless times. And it's not as simple as not going out and looking or buying something. The only two places that I have for any kind of support is my mom and my family and husband. Since I've moved to Butte I've mostly been a stay-at-home mom and the only real friend I have made here unfortunately somehow developed schizophrenia about a year ago and is not a stable support system at the time. My mom, who I love with all my heart and would do anything for me in the world but is also part of the problem. She is 76 and she receives pain meds from a doctor and always gives me half. Even if I ask her not to and I beg her not to, she insists that it's not a sin because it doesn't cost me any money. And then she will still drop them off somewhere for me in my house. My husband, who is a great father and supporter in a very hard worker also developed in addiction to meth and refuses to see it as a problem because for the most part it hasn't really affected our family horribly that much and regrettably I made the wrong decisions to do that many times I have quit using it and it really wasn't that hard but eventually it all came back to with it being in the house and my husband He's not supportive of me not doing it. I always went back. Between the two places I don't really have anywhere else to go? I have prayed and prayed everyday for help and guidance , And I know that the answer won't come in a paragraph form or something like that but I still don't even know if God can even hear me. The worst fear I guess is that God already knows in the end who is going to end up in heaven or hell and that maybe he just can't hear me because he knows I'm not going to make it. So all I'm asking for is a prayer request because I believe prayer does work. Thank you for taking the time to read this and God bless ️
Received: February 15, 2023
pray that Keith will go back to church on a regular basis. he lives in a different city but takes the bus to church in which it's the only church that he's used to and where he has friends that care about him. pray also about his relationship with the Lord. there are probably things going on where he lives [he lives with 3 other guys] and doesn't feel like getting up on Sundays since he works full-time. also, for our friendship to be restored/restarted. we've been estranged for over a year and i miss hanging out and talking with him. i found out that he's cautious around/about me and I'm the same way about him. pray that whatever means that the Lord will fix this friendship. we were good friends at one time, but things went downhill due to personal situations. we are both saved, in our 60's and go to the same church but sit at opposite sides.
Received: February 15, 2023
Please pray for my sick child that he will get well soon and that the rest of the family remains well
Received: February 15, 2023
Please pray for my marriage. I’m about to give up as my husband has been very emotionally abusive and it’s taking a toll on my mental health.
Received: February 13, 2023
I'm asking for prayer for my daughter. She is a good person and devoted to the Lord. She has been alone though.
I pray for our Heavenly Father to send a caring, supportive, young man to take this journey with her. She's an only child and I worry she will be alone if something were to happen to me or her dad. She is such a talented young woman educated and has devoted her life to the Lord and very active in church and outreach. I just think she deserves to have a young man to love her and not let her be alone. Thank you for your prayers.