Ask for Prayer

We believe in the power of prayer.

When God’s children call on His name, there’s no limit to what He can do for us and through us.

Whether you’ve come to this page to pray or to ask for prayer, feel free to scroll through our prayer board and lift up a prayer for those among us in need.

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.

alyssa lora


Unfortunately I am going through a divorce. I have a 5 year old son, and I pray that when we share this information with him that he will be okay. I also pray that God helps me financially because I'm worried I'm not going to be able to swing it all.

Received: April 20, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


Please pray for me I have a 4 year old daughter and 2 weeks ago started having chronic debilitating jaw and teeth pain. This is preventing me from being the mom I want to be for her please pray this pain goes away for me thank you.

Received: April 19, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


requesting a prayer, following a type two diabetes diagnosis. I’m only in my twenties and I want to live a long, healthy life and put my disease into remission soon.

Received: April 18, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


Quinn has been diagnosed with lyme and 2 mutations of MTHFR, celiac and recently POTS. She is a junior in high school and at 17 years old is now told her dream of being a college track and field athlete with college scholarships are not obtainable due to the POTS. POTS causes her to black out, faint or dizziness especially while she runs. It is progressing and we are praying and hoping you will consider praying for Quinn, my sweet daughter.

Received: April 18, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 15 times.

Marc Bryant

I ( Marc Bryant) need your prayer I am 60 years of age self-employed with no saving trying to make it, I work for some people and after I finish, they don't what to pay or or just give me what they want, the devil just seems to get in the way. People owe me now. Please pray that (GOD) will (BLESS) me with jobs that I can continuously complete with success. Please pray that (GOD) will (BLESS) me with people that will pay me not to use me. A person who I recently work for please pray that he pays me and not keep ducking me. I put it in (GOD) hands, because trouble is easy to get in. Thank you all for your prayers.

Received: April 18, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.

Kovács Richárd

I want to ask for a prayer for my own intention. Thank you very much.

Received: April 18, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.


I am terminally ill and am asking for healing prayers.

Received: April 17, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


Please Lord, Heal my mother of her serious illness. Please heal me of my skin disorder. Help my daughter with her own health issues. Keep me safe in an uncomfortable work environment. Help me to maintain poise and peace of mind. Make coworkers and management easier to work with and more reasonable. I pray for a better and more stable job opportunity. Thank you prayer team and God for helping us. Amen

Received: April 17, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


I asked for prayers about 2 weeks ago about my husband losing his job over something unfair.

I have received a couple emails and wanted to thank those who took time to send our prayer our way.

Unfortunately, he was fired and hasn’t worked for over 2 weeks. We have no income for now but we’re managing with what little we have, trying to keep it together for our babies. Some prayers for a better job would be appreciated. Thank you all for being so amazing! ️

Received: April 17, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.


There are problems in our marriage and my wife has left me. Please pray that she will return and that the marriage will be restored

Received: April 17, 2023

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