Ask for Prayer

We believe in the power of prayer.

When God’s children call on His name, there’s no limit to what He can do for us and through us.

Whether you’ve come to this page to pray or to ask for prayer, feel free to scroll through our prayer board and lift up a prayer for those among us in need.

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Keith Milton Adams

Praise Jesus Praise Jesus Praise Jesus Praise Jesus Praise Jesus Praise Jesus Praise Jesus Thank You Jesus Thank You Jesus Thank You Jesus Thank You Jesus Thank You Jesus Thank You Jesus Thank You Jesus Praise Jesus Praise Jesus Praise Jesus Praise Jesus Praise Jesus Praise Jesus Praise Jesus Thank You Jesus Thank You Jesus Thank You Jesus Thank You Jesus Thank You Jesus Thank You Jesus Thank You Jesus Jesus Thursday Nov 24 2022 to Friday Oct 19 answered prayers including miracles of past sustained healed and deliverance from guy from market Dani mush mouth bill cosby Larry Scooby Doo during Bible study executed thinking experience including tinkerbell and stinger and Bubbles and Rudy after bible study executed thinking experience and in exercise thinking experience guy from market Dani neighbor mush mouth fat Albert characters Yuk Janet mom Charlie’s lord knows what else and Donald Trump Kamala Harris dumb Donald Sanford and son characters sensations and Whitman Mayo and in life she ra guy and Chief Burns in Nicole executed thinking experience Chief Burns in Danielle executed thinking experience and Holly executed thinking experience and intrusions during this prayer as unresolved loose tier of ends self condemn self defeat underlie and undermine tainting ttarnishing blemishing scarring scathing mental slippage let downs lapses on God like self victory confidence conscience mindset and psyche and hedge of protection from negative adjectives from Saturday Oct 19 bible study and exercise thinking experiences and throat larynx windpipe vocal cords voices voice voice box vocal range swallowing without issues activity in throat without clearing throat throat swallow and burp without pain 7 times better standing on Pro 6 31 and for typing for 30 hours on Wednesday to Friday Oct 23 to Oct 25 for Richard Robert’s R W schambach and Reinhard Bouke prayer foundation hedge of protection from pain in biceps arches hips shoulders right wrist right arm lower back neck and for exercise thighs lower back arches hips calves ankles and left hamstring and neck and for all of this especially intrusions 100 percent erased made non existent disappeared resolved absolved dissolved I forgive myself 70 x 7 forget they ever occurred standing on Wednesday Oct 2 answered prayers of 24 biblical statements 28 bible verses and trauma plan foundation physically psychologically mentally emotionally and spiritually on God like self victory confidence conscience mindset and psyche every second of life from here on in guaranteed forever in hope faith and belief fact automatic accuracy reality and truth permanent it is done done deal Satan lost because Jesus is boss stick a fork in Satan baby He done on run back to hell for gone as good never to rise again ever in life with these intrusions out of nowhere triggered flash and pop up stress response trauma failure of dwelling recurring revisiting reliving repeating cause and affect of inhabitation with no possibility of unresolved loose tier of end of inclination memory dissociation attachment sensation thought feeling reaction response in yeah but that happened or what about pushing up suppressed to the surface of inclination in feared doubting worried wandering wondering concerned wavering insecure not humble unclear conscience of inclination physically fir every executed thinking experience past present and future of inclination physically psychologically mentally emotionally and spiritually every second of life from here on in of inclination of 100 percent secure perfect clear conscience resolved absolved dissolved of intrusions past present and future permanent no relapse flashbacks regression or trauma flashbacks setbacks new or old period not entertained or tempted at all in life moving forward from here i70000 times every day flawless perfection occurrences of inclination in Jesus name amen we on we all right closure close out amen and anen

Received: October 19, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Keith Milton Adams

Praise Jesus Praise Jesus Praise Jesus Praise Jesus Praise Jesus Praise Jesus Praise Jesus Thank You Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Thank You Jesus praise Jesus praise Jesus praise Jesus praise Jesus praise Jesus praise Jesus praise Jesus Thank You Jesus thank You Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank You Jesus Thank You Jesus Jesus I was very disappointed in You in guy from market Dani and neighbor still a dissociation attachment memory reminder sensation thought feeling reaction and response God I thought these last 8 days were full of crap and sorry I used the mf word today just telling it like it is so forgive me I expect You to remedy the football book situation executed thinking experience to avoid the mf word in the future so in reference to having apartment perfectly clean by 100 pm on Sunday Oct 20 I ask for your forgiveness and repent that those 3 faces never show up flash and pop up triggered stress response ever again in life and By faith I am expecting You to finish these 13 days strong and perfect and build up positive and encouraged momentum going into November I need better from You God and we need a prep plan after prayer and decision on what to do after midnight to make sure we can work out at least by 10 30 pm on Sunday morning and God to be brutally frank with You Yoy better heal my throat and restore it to what it was or preaching career over for good especially If it affects my voice acting and acting career so God if You want me to serve You with passion and credibility no more intrusive thoughts or e can’t have a civil relationship period in every executed thinking experience past present and future I love You but Truth be told You are letting me down so I am willing to give You a second chance with a clean sinless slate no grudge or sins holding me back from heaven reality guaranteed right now no if or buts let just execute the next 18 hours and just have a fresh start with right adjustments and adaptions to do better with highest levels of motivation enthusiasm energy and inspiration obviously we are disappointed on how exercise worked our this year and bible study so let initiate a prep plan for perfect concentration in those executed thinking experiences from here on in so I don’t have to talk to You like this and You need to fix Danielle Sunmers she messing me up and messing me up with you and we can’t make costly mistakes or decisions these next 18 hours if You serious about not being cursed out and God we have to find a way to be happy because this truly has been the worst year of my life and it taking a toll on my relationship with You do something about it if we are going to be in heaven on judgment day I will try on my part to dig deeper I realize I really can’t push myself physically anymore so mentally You going to have to help me for rest of the year I love You I worship You I want to serve You in holiness and truth but I need better from You right now this instant in sake of our relationship from here on in and we got to get those shelves together so God we have 18 hours I walk in faith but You can’t let Satan keep doing this to me it will end our relationship by faith You have turned things around and we are right with each other for heaven guaranteed of reality based on sincere effort and no more setbacks relapses regressions or dissolution memory attachment trauma sensations thoughts feelings reactions responses or yeah but that happened or what about triggered flash and pop up stress response fear doubt worry wander wonder concern and wavering let just put together a 18 hour concentration performance with no negatives that draws us closer together for heaven reality guaranteed as well done thy good and faithful servant judgment approved on judgment day right now this instant rise above the challenge and not let Satan destroy our relationship and claim my soul fir hell wrath inclination of eternity after life no hope or redemption let get ourselves together and challenge each other to be better with each other one step forward at a time walking in faith obedience and on the right page to reign I. Heaven iftom here on in without Satan screwing us up if inclination I rebuke Satan I of guy from market Dani and Neighbir in football book executed thinking experience and I command Hin to go in Jesus name that causing issues between me being rightly judged reward reality link up of heaven based on doing God will in pleasing to You for credence of heaven ireality reward all is forgiven grace with margin of Inteusion free and sin of error pass the test and any sinful words used in this prayer I take back for credence heaven of recognition repent sincere move on from here imio Gid sovereign glory of inclination. In Jesus name amen we ok we all right amen it is done done deal amen and inclination amen and amen

Received: October 19, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


Please pray for total healing of my left arm. Severe nerve pain and numbness and doctors don’t know what it is. I am praying for a miracle. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

Received: October 19, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


serious prayer my store manager Zach didn't let me or a guy name Dave have a break I need prayer for protection and Mercy and justice it's crazy can't even get a drink or food I forgave him but God can do what he wants with that place out of my hands God bless you it's Rick this is crossing a line thank you and God bless you

Received: October 19, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


O God, Thank You for everything. For the gift of talents that m able to share. Thank You for all Your goodness. For all the graces and blessings we receive. I honor You. I bless You. Forgive me for all my sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lord tomorrow is the the main event. I claim that I will win 1 Million in the raffle of the company. I claim abundance, victory and winnings o God. That I will settle all my unpaid bills and debts. I seal with love and faith.

I continurw to pray for longevity, peace of mind, health and wellness, good sleep, protection, guiadance, healing, wisdome for my self, father, mother, brothers and sisters, nephews, nieces, uncles, aunties, grandmas/pas, our dogs, friends, loved-ones, families and all people O God. I Trust in You.

I continue to pray all my prayers o God. Please hear our prayers. I love You. I praise and woship You O God. In the name pf the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Received: October 19, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


greetings in Jesus name. please pray for me . for peace in my relationships . nomhle Gwen to call me . for Ison witches for God to sort them out. they want me out but God will fight for me. for me to win money and receive my healing and other blessings . break each and every evil alters against MyLife in Jesus name.

Received: October 19, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


I would like prayer for a female friend; a companion with a heart of grace who accepts/ like me just the way I am. Thank you.

Received: October 19, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Kiran Mandha

Please pray God for my family to resolve problems with great results effortlessly permanently for us by providing prosperity, protection and safety without any disturbances for us

Received: October 19, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Please pray I don’t have Covid. My wife has huge respiratory problems and if I got it and gave it to her she could have serious problems from it. Thanks everyone.

Received: October 18, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Glen D Kalde

In the name of jesus I ask for god's favor and protection over nickolas and jessica kalde. I also ask that nickolas kalde wont get kicked out of his burbank school.amen

Received: October 18, 2024

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