Ask for Prayer

We believe in the power of prayer.

When God’s children call on His name, there’s no limit to what He can do for us and through us.

Whether you’ve come to this page to pray or to ask for prayer, feel free to scroll through our prayer board and lift up a prayer for those among us in need.

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Andrew Pick

Healing from chronic fatigue sleeping too much God to give me supernatural energy and become energetic and feel good in my body praise God also healing from depression

Received: June 26, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Nicole Carter

Prayer for Nicole Carter Healing for bells palsy on left side of face and left red hand rash and stress also Prayer for God to help me get rid of stomach fat in my stomach becomes flater in Jesus name amen thank you Jesus for weight loss also God to help me not over eat before bed also God to heal celulite on back of legs arms praise God

Received: June 26, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Barry, Darvin and Marvin are unethical high school coaches. They made side-promises to parents/players to play for their team, and personally take money for spots for kids to play. They abuse their power, wont play more qualified players because of the side primises and money from other player's parents.We're believing for God to get involved.

Received: June 26, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Lord my God and Mother Mary, I thank you and I need you. Protect me always. Please intercede for me in this matter regarding the stalking by LH and emotional and financial abuse by RC, BC, and GE, and the potential danger of DT. May all that has been stolen from me, be blessed and returned 10fold (or as you see fit), and may my soul be calmed of all distress, in Jesus' name. I believe that you will answer me. I love you. I thank you for everything. Amen

Received: June 26, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Ahmitara Alwal.

Briana Rodriguez.

Lexus Paulson.

Briana Rodriguez.

Cassie Langbehn.

Grayson Muller.

Aubrie Larson.

Cathyliana Santiago-Nunez.

Arianna Grause.

Too,Received Salvation and Water Baptism in Jesus Name.

Received: June 26, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


My sister Alexis needs urgent prayers, she is under heavy yokes of bondage to infirmity, witchcraft, and fear. Please pray she does not grow weary and faint because these afflictions are heavy for her. Pray that she allows Yeshua to take on her burdens because His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Amen.

Received: June 26, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Greetings in Jesus name. Please pray for me. For peace and me with lingela family and mfundiso. For God to tell me if attwell is right or not. For God to deal with my enemies xabisa diana, noxie mabija, Veronica skippers, Linda, Lisa, Anita lompayi Lona, Busisiwe aplein or any one like Linda, obakhe and yandiswa. God protect me from my enemies. For my health restoration, money, ministry, life, marriage. I want by 29 June to know who will pay lobola to ntsali family. For my business ideas and jobs to prosper in Jesus name. I want to Asher again at church and worship in Jesus name. For my future husband, mother and brothers protection in Jesus name.

Received: June 26, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Please pray for the devil to be gone and removed from me forever

Received: June 26, 2024

This prayer has been answered!

anna pham

I'm praying for my significant other, whom I've been with for more than 20 years. He is currently in the ICU due to cardiac arrest (oxygen was not being delivered to his brain), and doctors have informed us that he has serious brain damage and that there is nothing they can do to save him. Currently, he is on a ventilator. His eyes are open but unresponsive, and the doctor believes this indicates that his brain is damaged.I pray for a miracle that he will regain consciousness and follow command by this Saturday (his birthday). We miss him so much. I love him too much, and we aren't ready to say goodbye. We know that if he magically becomes conscious, we will face obstacles. We are ready for that obstacles . Please pray for John Nguyen.

Received: June 26, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Asking for provision with our housing and SNAP redeterminations, protection and provision, and mercy/ the Lord intervening.

Received: June 26, 2024

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