Canaan Children’s Home

Buziika, Uganda Founder and Director, Pastor Isaac Wagaba   God’s prophesy of Canaan Children’s Home was fulfilled in 1996 beginning with two abandoned children. During the reign of the infamous dictator Idi Amin, when Pastor Isaac lay on a heap of bodies,...
Revelation Part One: The Health Of The Church

Revelation Part One: The Health Of The Church

As we begin this journey into one of the most famous and infamous books in all of scripture, it is of utmost importance that we start by asking the right question. We’ll ask it together in part one of Revelation: The Health Of The Church. Is Jesus Really Lord Dr. Rex...

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Bible Memory Verse Program – Halfmoon

Bible Memory Verse Program – Halfmoon

Bible Memory Kidventure is committed to supporting you in your efforts to “raise your children in the Lord.”  Our desire is to partner with you in giving your children a rich understanding of God’s Word as well as encouraging them to memorize key...