Ever fear you’re missing out on God’s plan for your life? You’re not alone!
Many people of faith find themselves asking, “What is God’s plan for me?” “How do I know for sure?” “Did I miss it?!”
In this 10-part series we’ll learn how to walk step-by-step with the Holy Spirit into the will of God.
When we are living in an intimate personal relationship with Him, guiding our paths is God’s responsibility.
Even when the best-laid plans go bad, there can still be a redemptive outcome.
We have a responsibility to seek wise counsel from godly people.
We have a responsibility to ask God to make His will known, and for a willingness to do God’s will once it is known.
God’s will and His word will never contradict each other.
One’s sense of vision grows out of their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
God will direct our paths if we acknowledge Him in all our ways.
We are made by God, marred by sin, and then mended … as He redeems us for higher purposes.
God’s will is normally more like a game plan than a blueprint, more like a process than a snapshot.