August 7-9, students from all Grace Fellowship campuses will partner with students from other churches throughout the Capital District. We will have fun serving together as we help meet practical needs around the region. Middle and High School teams from each campus will support age-appropriate projects each day. In addition, kickoff and wrap-up worship services, community building events and other special activities to help not only reach our communities but also offer fun discipleship opportunities with student from across the area!

Don’t miss out on this great way to give back. A small $40 registration fee covers the cost of t-shirt, food and other supplies we’ll use throughout the week. 

Sign up by July 18. More information and forms can be found here.

Contact your campus student ministry leader for any questions or more details on campus specific plans.

Latham Campus Invert runs from August 6-9.
See the Latham Invert Schedule 