
Gerry Pettograsso
Facilities Director
For most of the time Grace Fellowship has been in existence, Gerry has been a friendly presence serving in some capacity. He began attending Grace in its infancy, and has witnessed its incredible growth firsthand. Longstanding members will recall that Gerry served as Grace Fellowships first full-time youth pastor prior to his current post, managing the Latham facility.
Gerry grew up in Latham, and raised three daughters with Debi, his wife of 37 years, in Colonie. Gerry and Debi are proud grandparents of four young grandchildren. Always active with the girls’ in sports, he is currently the varsity assistant softball coach at Loudonville Christian School, and often displays and discusses his allegiance to the N.Y. Giants and the Yankees.
He is often spotted in the lobby smiling, giving high-fives and chatting with anyone and everyone. Gerry admits he is a “cheap date” who revels in the simple pleasures, and that a hot dog will do him just fine. Pursuits include memorizing the Book of James, visiting beaches throughout the Northeast, and cherishing family.