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I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


I'm in an abusive relationship. I made some poor financial choices and so I am living with my parents and cant afford to move into my own place. Instead of supporting me while I build my bank account back up my Step-dad continues to abuse me and my mom. He lays in bed all day and does nothing but watch YouTube and talk to his friends. I have a full time Job and I'm trying build my bank account back up but he just guilt trips me about not paying rent, and keeps throwing my failures back in my face. He treats my mom like a slave and expects her to do all the work around the house and expects me to pay rent even though he knows I'm trying to save for my own place. He spends all his money on himself and my sister but if I buy something for myself he gets mad and tells me that I'm taking advantage of them. He yells at my mom even when she didn't do anything wrong. He got mad and smashed a windshield on my mom's car because she threatened to leave him. I don't know what to do. The people in church won't help me. I thought someone would at least offer me to come live with them but no they won't help me. No one will help me. I need a door to open so I can get out. Please pray that God will help me.

Received: June 29, 2024

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