Ask for Prayer

We believe in the power of prayer.

When God’s children call on His name, there’s no limit to what He can do for us and through us.

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Rebecca Ammann

This is a before Christ holiday tradition. As a thought experiment prayer for families our organizations, churches, synagogue, 12 step groups, militaries, police departments, governments: it is that time of year. We are calling for two goats from each family system to be offered. One goat is the sacrificial goat, can we accept the sacrificial goat, it is going to symbolize our sacrificial lamb, we will remember our Messiah and we agree to allow the second goat to be our scapegoat. Before you decide, know that if we make this second goat our scapegoat and release it to the mountains, then we are going to release our family scapegoats from their hostage positions. When we do, everyone is going to notice the lost children, the golden children are going to be released from their golden cages, and the mascots are going to stop cheering for the appointed heros. The unseen aspects of hope, healing and humility are going to shift the family order. Can you help my family by choosing these unseen aspects of humility, hope and healing, knowing that the family order is going to shift? Displaying the humility of releasing the scapegoat is absolutely required for the level of hope and healing to follow. Will you please pray that our scapegoats are sent to the mountains?

Received: June 29, 2024

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