Ask for Prayer

We believe in the power of prayer.

When God’s children call on His name, there’s no limit to what He can do for us and through us.

Whether you’ve come to this page to pray or to ask for prayer, feel free to scroll through our prayer board and lift up a prayer for those among us in need.


Urgently pray for financial provision. Please pray my that my partner and I will receive work as my partners job is coming to an end and I urgently need extra work in my field as I am drowning in bills. Jesus take away the stress, tears and poverty bringing freedom, hope, extraordinary miracles. Jesus May we receive your best. Vindicate us from those who have mocked us, bullied, overlooked us. Restore what the locust have stolen in Jesus name. Make us the head and not the tail. Amen

Received: June 15, 2024

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