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I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


My husband is a theologian; a student of the Bible.  He is respected in our church, and preaches in our pastor's absence.  He also has a large following of young women on his Bible app and his interaction with one young woman, a high school student, make my heart sad.  I try very hard to look at this as superficial, or purely Christian love.  But when I read his comments to her:   I love you my dear precious friend.  You are precious to me.  I will always pray for you, I love you.

And now after months of this, she responded with: Luv u.

Do I have a jealous heart or is this acceptable?  She is very young and he is in his mid-50s.  They do not know each other and communication is not happening off of this app that I am aware of.

Additionally, these are the things he says to me.  And that makes my heart sad.  I married to have exclusivity.  I want to be his only one, not one of a few or one of many.

Please pray that the Lord would make Himself known in this situation.  That my heart would be changed, that the behavior would stop - I know my answer here, but not God's answer.

Thank you!

Received: July 9, 2024

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