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I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


pray that Keith will go back to church on a regular basis. he lives in a different city but takes the bus to church in which it's the only church that he's used to and where he has friends that care about him. pray also about his relationship with the Lord. there are probably things going on where he lives [he lives with 3 other guys] and doesn't feel like getting up on Sundays since he works full-time. also, for our friendship to be restored/restarted. we've been estranged for over a year and i miss hanging out and talking with him. i found out that he's cautious around/about me and I'm the same way about him. pray that whatever means that the Lord will fix this friendship. we were good friends at one time, but things went downhill due to personal situations. we are both saved, in our 60's and go to the same church but sit at opposite sides.

Received: February 15, 2023

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