The church is to be a growing place, a saving place, an inclusive place, a persevering place, and a passionate place.
In this next 6 part series on the Gospel of Luke, we’ll take a closer look at Jesus’ vision for the church and what that means for how we live & show love each day.
Jesus came to this earth on a rescue mission… to seek, find, and save lost people… people that he values big time!
As believers, we must never think that what is free (eternal life in Christ) requires nothing from me … it requires everything from us; our total and complete commitment to Him.
There is a spiritual hunger in every human heart that can be satisfied only by a relationship with the one true God.
“Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will lift you up.” – James 4:10
Jesus intended the church to be a foretaste of what the eternal kingdom of God would be in heaven, a place where every individual is valued and loved.